Nouns Private Voting Research Sprint - Technical Report

2023-08-17 by AZKR

1 Introduction

This is a technical description of the outcomes of the work done by Aragon ZK Research (AZKR) during the execution of the joint proposal submitted to the Nouns DAO Private Voting Research Sprint by Aztec Labs and AZKR.

This document is part of the final documentation. Read the Final report for further information.

This is a research project. The outputs are strictly preliminary results.

1.1 Properties of the e-voting system and security assumptions

As specified in the proposal, the system has been designed to meet the following properties:

Security assumptions:

1.2 Components overview

The Delay-Relayer was included in the proposal, but its development has not yet started, thus it is not shown in the diagram

1.3 Flow overview

  1. Wallet registration (only once per wallet address) Every wallet must have been registered before the voting process is created. This must only be done once per address. The owner of the wallet does not need to save any extra data because the key pair is generated deterministically.

  2. Voting process setup Anyone can create a voting process.

    • Demo (steps 2-5): nouns-cli
    • Main inputs:
      • IPFS link to proposal
      • Start delay (i.e. time from process submission to beginning of voting period)
      • End date
    • Main outputs:
      • Process ID
    • Gas cost: ~700k
  3. Vote generation (one per NFT) Allowed registered wallets (i.e. holding NFTs -either non-delegated owned or delegated, at the time of the process creation) can generate the ballot and the corresponding proofs.

    • Main inputs:
      • Voting process ID
      • NFT ID
      • Private key
      • Choice
    • Main outputs:
      • Vote (i.e. Random Baby Jubjub public key + ballot encrypted using shared secret between random key and key + proofs of NFT ownership or delegation)
    • Total computation time (zkRegistry + NFT ownership + delegation proofs): ~12 minutes (modern laptop with i7 U-series processor and 32GB RAM)
  4. Submission The vote can be submitted to the voting Nouns voting smart contract (VSC) during the voting period. Steps 2. and 3. are performed together by the CLI.

    Note: Users are highly recommended to use a fresh/anonymous address to submit the ballot, in order to avoid leaking ballot secrecy.

    • Main inputs:
      • Vote (generated in the previous step)
    • Main outputs:
      • None
    • Gas costs: ~690k
  5. Tally Anyone can carry out the generation and submission of the tallying proof. This must only be done once.

    • Main inputs:
      • Process ID
    • Main outputs:
      • Results + proof of correctness
    • Gas costs: ~522k (submission of the proof that the tally is correct)
    • Constraints:
    • Census up to 16 NFTs: 106k constrains => ~5 minutes (laptop with i7 U-series processor and 32GB RAM)
    • 256 NFTs : 1.5m constrains => ~2 hours (laptop with i7 U-series processor and 32GB RAM)

    Future work: The computation time is expected to decrease significantly with the upcoming optimisations and new features of Noir

1.4 Main achievements

1.5 Current limitations

1.6 Main next steps

2 zkRegistry

This is the first component of the system the user must interact with. It is a registry that stores a map between Ethereum Addresses and Public Keys or Commitments. This allows the users to register a new Secret Key for their wallet, that can be then efficiently used by cryptographic protocols.

The current design allows to use new types of Secret Keys, besides the Ethereum Secp256k1 Private Key. This can make protocols, especially working with ZK, a lot more efficient. In this project, we are particularly interested in the first point, which allows us to use BabyJubJub keys. Specifically, the commitment is a BJJ public key which corresponds to a private key that is obtained from the signature (via hardware wallet or MetaMask) of a pre-established text.


3 is a public time-locked cryptographic service enabling anyone to encrypt data for decryption in the future, with support for the most common cryptographic schemes. Time-locked cryptography (TLE) are cryptographic systems which guarantee that ciphertexts will be decipherable only at a certain time in the future. Such systems are also variously referred to as time-lapse, time-based, time-dependent, delayed unlocking etc. cryptographic protocols.

We use TLE to ensure that no one has access to the choices of the ballots before the end of the voting period. was started as part of the nouns private voting period but it has been developed as an independent service, given the number of potential applications it has beyond e-voting. We call the protocol TLCS (Time Lock Cryptographic Service) and the service

Key features:

  1. Public keys for periods far into the future are always available;
  2. Support for many cryptographic schemes;
  3. Relies on trusted randomness (Drand beacon) published by the League of Entropy;
  4. Possibility of public participation;
  5. The correctness and security of the scheme is guaranteed as long as a single party participating in the public key computation is honest;
  6. These parties do not need to be present when the private key is revealed.

From a pragmatic standpoint, here we just look at as a service that provides public keys for encrypting the ballots ensuring that the corresponding private keys are only made available once the voting period is finished.

For technical details see: * paper * Initial concept note

The service and the TLCS protocol are in early alpha stage.

Website: API:

Future work: We plan to launch by year-end.

4 Voting protocol

4.1 Setup

The following subsections will assume that the different parties have access to:

For simplicity, we define the string \(id\) as follows, \(id=\{chain_{ID}, process_{ID}, contract_{ADDR}\}\).

Algorithms used:

4.2 Process creation

In order to create a new process, anyone can send a tx calling the newProcess method from the VSC.

Customization Restrictions/checks can be added to the VSC to avoid spam (e.g. just NFT holders can call newProcess).

Data sent to the VSC to create a process:

Both \(R_{token}, R_{zkreg}\) must be under the same Ethereum Storage Root for the given EthBlockNumber (i.e. the one that establishes the census for the given process).

Future work: In the current iteration it is left to the users to ensure that the values match (which is done automatically by the provided library). But in a future iteration, when creating a new process the tx will include also a SNARK proof proving that \(R_{token}, R_{zkreg}\) are included in the Ethereum State (under Ethereum’s state root) for the given block number.

Customization: In the current implementation, for simplicity, the processes are started immediately. An extra parameter can be added to delay the beginning of the voting process until a specific Ethereum start block number.

Future work: Modify the design to allow the registration at the zkRegistry between the process creation and the start of the voting period.

4.3 Voter proof

Vote’s choice (Noir). Run by the voter in a ‘personal’ server:

  1. Signatures \(\sigma=DS.Sign(VR_{sk},~(NFT_{id},id)),~ \tau=DS.Sign(VR_{sk},v),\) where \(v\) is the voter’s choice and \(VR_{sk}\) is used as signing key (so that \(VR_{pk}\) will be the corresponding verification key).
  2. nullifier \(N=H_s(\sigma)\).
  3. \(A=g^{r},~ K={T_{pk}}^{r}\), for some randomness \(r\in Z_p\).
    • note that \(K = g^{r\cdot T_{sk}}\)
  4. \(B=H_s(K, v, id)\)
  5. \(h_{id}=H_s(NFT_{id},id)\)
  6. The path \(p_1\) from the root \(R_{token}\) to the relevant information needed to prove ownership of the token \(NFT_{id}\) and the path \(p_2\) to the zkRegistry commitment key \(RCK_i\) under \(R_{zkreg}\), and the path(s) \(p_3\) needed to prove that \(NFT_{id}\) is not delegated under the \(R_{token}\).

The voter sends to the ‘personal’ server the tuple \((VR_{pk},N,id,NFT_id,h_{id},r,v,A,K,B,\sigma,\tau,p_1,p_2,p_3)\).

Vote’s proof generation (Noir). Run by the voter in a ‘personal’ server:

Public inputs: \((A,B,N,id,R, T_{pk})\)
Private inputs: \((v,\sigma,address,\tau, NFT_{id}, h_{id}, K,VR_{pk},p_1,p_2,p_3)\)
Output: proof \(\pi\) computed as follows:

  1. Check that \(DS.Ver(VR_{pk},\sigma,(NFT_{id},id))=1\), that is that \(\sigma\) is a signature of \((NFT_{id},id)\) under pubk \(VR_{pk}\).
  2. Check that \(DS.Ver(VR_{pk},\tau,v)=1\), that is that \(\tau\) is a signature of \(v\) under pubk \(VR_{pk}\).
  3. Check that \(h_{id}=H_s(NFT_{id},id)\).
  4. Check that \(N=H_s(\sigma)\).
  5. Check correct encryption of the vote:
    • 5.1. \(g^{r}=A\) and \(K={T_{pk}}^{r}\).
    • 5.2. \(B =H_s(K, v,id)\).
    • 5.3. \(v\in\{0,1,2\}\).
  6. Use the path \(p_1\) to check that the Ethereum state committed to in \(R\) includes in the zkRegistry \(RCK_i\) that is associated with a voter’s Ethereum address.
  7. Use the path \(p_2\) to check that the Ethereum state committed to in \(R\) contains a token with identifier \(NFT_{id}\) owned by some address \(a\).
  8. If the value associated with proof \(p_3\) is null (i.e. there is no delegation), check that \(a = \text{address}\). Else, verify storage proof \(p_3\) and confirm that tokens belonging to address \(a\) have been delegated to \(\text{address}\).
  9. (Not yet implemented) Check that signature randomness is deterministic \(r = H_s(msg ~||~ H_s(VR_{sk}))\)

Future work: According to the proposal, our goal is to move the ‘personal’ server computations to in-browser computations when Noir allows to do so. During the sprint Aztec has made significant progress in this regard.

The voter sends to the VSC \((A,B,N,\pi)\).

The VSC keeps a value \(B_K\) that is initialised to zero. For each received ballot \((A,B,N,\pi)\) with a valid proof, we assign \(B_K \leftarrow H_e(B_K,B)\).

If \(N\) voters submitted valid proofs we call \((A_i,B_i,N_i,\pi_i)\), for \(i\in[N]\), the values such voter sent to the VSC.

A nullifier ensures the uniqueness of the vote.

Future work: Modify the design to allow vote recast (currently seen as the most effective anti-coercion measure).

Future work: Modify the design to make the proof non-deterministic (probably an (the most?) effective anti-vote-buying measure).

Future work: Modify the design to merge the two previous enhancements.

4.4 Tally proof

\(t\): time to decrypt votes, known by the VSC Ethereum end blocknum: Ethereum block until which voters can submit votes

Tally (Noir). Can be run by anyone:

  1. Fetch data from the VSC

    • Fetch \(A_i\) for \(\forall i \in \{1, \ldots, n\}\)
    • Fetch \(B_i\) for \(\forall i \in \{1, \ldots, n\}\)
    • Fetch secret key of \(T_{sk}\)
    • Fetch value \(B_K\) from the VSC.
  2. For each voter, get option for a voter \(i\):

    • Compute \(A_i^{T_{sk}} = g^{r_i T_{sk}} = K_i\).
    • Find the first value \(v_i\in \{0,1,2\}\) such that
      • \(B_i = H_s(K_i, v_i, id)\). (We will be able to find such value \(v_i\) because the voter’s ZK proof was verified successfully.)
  3. Prove vote aggregation:

    • Sum all \(v_i\) for each vote option to compute an array \(vote_{count}\) storing # votes for, # votes against, # votes abstain.

    \[ \text{no} = |v_i| ~\text{s.t.}~ v_i==0\\ \text{yes} = |v_i| ~\text{s.t.}~ v_i==1\\ \text{abs} = |v_i| ~\text{s.t.}~ v_i==2 \]

    • Given public inputs \(B_K\), \(chain_{ID}\), \(process_{ID}\), \(contract_{ADDR}\), \(vote_{count}\) and witnesses \((K_i,v_i)\) we generate a zk proof of the following program:
      • For all \(i\in[n]\), the program computes \(B_i = H_s(K_i, v_i, id)\)
      • Compute \(B_K' = H_e(B_i, H_e(B_{i-1}, H_e(...)) ~\forall i \in [n]\) and verify that \(B_K = B_K'\)
      • Verify that the votes have been correctly counted, i.e. all \(j\in{0,1,2}\) \(vote_{count}[j]\) equals \(|\{v_i|v_i=j\}|\)
      • Output \(1\) iff all verifications passed

Verifier (Solidity). Part of the Voting Smart Contract (VSC):

Inputs (to verify the proof):

In addition, the VSC has access to the following information:

If the tally_proof is correct, the VSC then sets the tally fields with the provided voting result, which can be then be publicly queried by other smart contracts.

A check in the VSC prevents from accepting a second tally.

4.5 Connecting Voter proof with Tally proof

The previous sections describe the voting protocol. In this one we intend to provide a visual representation to help understanding the relation between the different variables defined. We use different font colors to this end.

  1. \(\sigma=DS.Sign(VR_{sk},(NFT_{id},id)),~\\\tau=DS.Sign(VR_{sk},v),\)
  2. \(N=H_s(\sigma)\).
  3. \(\color{orange}{A}=g^{r},~ \color{blue}{K}={\color{teal}{T_{pk}}}^{r}\), for \(r\in^R Z_p\).
    • note that \(\color{blue}{K} = g^{r\cdot \color{teal}{T_{sk}}}\)
  4. \(\color{violet}{B}=H_s(\color{blue}{K}, v, id)\)
  5. \(h_{id}=H_s(NFT_{id},id)\)
  6. fetch \(p_1,p_2,p_3\)

The VSC computes \(\color{purple}{B_K} = H_e(\color{violet}{B_i}, H_e(\color{violet}{B_{i-1}}, H_e(...)) ~\forall i \in [n]\)


  1. fetch
    • from VSC history: \(\color{orange}{A_i}, \color{violet}{B_i} ~\forall i \in \{1, \ldots, n\}\)
    • from \(\color{teal}{T_{sk}}\)
    • from VSC state: \(\color{purple}{B_K}\)
  2. \(\forall i \in [n]\):
    • Compute \(\color{orange}{A_i}^{\color{teal}{T_{sk}}} = \color{orange}{g}^{\color{orange}{r_i} \color{teal}{T_{sk}}} = \color{blue}{K_i}\).
    • Find \(v_i\in \{0,1,2\}\) s.t.
      • \(\color{violet}{B_i} = H_s(\color{blue}{K_i}, v_i, id)\)
  3. zkproof proving (among other checks) that
    • \(\forall i\in[n]\): \(\color{violet}{B_i} = H_s(\color{blue}{K_i}, v_i, id)\)
    • \(\color{purple}{B_K'} = H_e(\color{violet}{B_i}, H_e(\color{violet}{B_{i-1}}, H_e(...)) \forall i \in [n]\)
    • check \(\color{purple}{B_K} = \color{purple}{B_K'}\)

As we can see, the Tally proof must include all the voters \(\color{violet}{B_i}\) that have been sent by voters to the VSC, in order to pass the proof verification. In order to obtain the valid \(\color{violet}{B_i}\), the tally prover needs first to obtain the valid \(\color{blue}{K_i}\), which can only be obtained once the \(\color{teal}{T_{sk}}\) from the is published, by computing \(\color{blue}{K_i} = \color{orange}{A_i}^{\color{teal}{T_{sk}}}\).

flowchart LR
  style Tsk color:teal
  style Tpk color:teal
  style Ai color:orange
  style Ki color:blue
  style Bi color:violet
  style Bk color:purple

  style Bi1 color:violet

subgraph voteri[Voter i]

subgraph voteri1[Voter i+1]

subgraph VSC

4.6 Full flow

    Participant NFT as NFT / Token
    Participant zkRegistry
    actor Voter
    Participant TLCS as
    actor Anyone
    Participant VSC
    alt Registry phase (once for all DAOs)
        Voter->>zkRegistry: VR_pk
    alt Process creation
        TLCS->>Anyone: T_pk
        Anyone->>VSC: newProcess
    alt Voting phase
        zkRegistry->>Voter: storageProof
        NFT->>Voter: storageProof
        TLCS->>Voter: T_pk
        Voter->>VSC: Vote
    Note over VSC: Ethereum end blocknumber
    Note over TLCS: T_sk released
    alt Tally phase
        TLCS->>Anyone: T_sk
        VSC->>Anyone: A_i B_i B_k
        Anyone->>VSC: Tally + proof

5 Further work

From now on, AZKR will continue developing the key components of this project in order to make available a voting system with at least the current properties (trustless, ballot secrecy, fairness, etc.) to Aragon OSX as a plugin. The code name is likely to be zk-POPVOTE (zk Proof-based On-chain Private Voting).


Main objectives:

Main tasks:

Note that in the long term this component may become obsolete if something like Plume becomes available in hardware wallets and MetaMask.

Main objectives:

Main tasks:


Main objective:

Main tasks:

Delay-relayer service

Main objective:

Main tasks:

Ethereum evolution

Main objective:

Main tasks:

Ballot batching

Main objective:

Main tasks:

6 Implementation

6.1 Quirks

6.2 Repositories

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